Endless Ocean Wiki

Endless Ocean Luminous is on its way and is set to release on May 2nd, 2024!

In that time, we ask that all editors please do not make edits speculating on or relating to the game. These will be handled and carried out once the game is released.

Until then, happy browsing, and here's to Endless Ocean Luminous!


Endless Ocean Wiki

The banded houndshark , also known as the banded dogfish (Triakis scyllium), is a large fish found in both Endless Ocean and Endless Ocean 2.

It is named for the distinct pattern of bands running down its body, which are a darker greyish color against its brown scales. It tends to spend most of its time near the ocean floor.


Marine Encyclopedia

Endless Ocean


"These fish have long, narrow bodies with broad heads and short snouts. They have gray backs and white bellies, as well as a trademark pattern of black spots and dark lines. They can be seen year-round near man-made wreckage.

They are easily identified by the two large spines on their snouts. The young are hatched from eggs inside the mother's body, then delivered via live birth, usually in litters of about 20 or so. After hatching, they receive their first nourishment by eating the yolk of their own eggs.

They live near the ocean floor and feed on cephalopoda (mollusks) and fish. Since they live in areas that are prone to environmental changes, they are very adaptable creatures. This, combined with their quiet, calm personalities, makes them perfect fish for aquariums."

Endless Ocean 2


"This shark has a wide head and slightly rounded mouth surrounded by two spines. It is ovoviviparous, meaning that eggs are incubated inside the mother's body.

It produces around twenty young which are nourished by the yolk of their egg. Because it lives in changing habitats, such as shallow coastal waters, it is not overly affected by environmental change.

It is often kept in aquariums because it is docile and easy to breed."


Endless Ocean

These fish can be found in and around The Wreck of the Navier and the Fighter Wreckage in Ship's Rest at all times of day. The sharks inside the wreck are often perched on top of the wooden rafters.

Endless Ocean 2

These are often seen in Gatama Atoll, around E-5.


Banded houndsharks tend to sit on and swim around the ocean floor alone or in small groups. In both games, they like being touched, which will make them wiggle around; this is how the player gets their trivia in the second game.



Real-Life Information

  • As both games mention, the banded houndshark is ovoviviparous (pronounced oh-voh-vye-VIH-puh-russ), which means that the mother incubates her eggs inside of her body until after they've hatched[1]. The first game is accurate about the average litter for a banded houndshark (around 20 pups) - the usual number is between 10 and 24[2][3]. The largest litter recorded was 42 pups[4][5][6].
    • Female banded houndsharks have been known to possibly exhibit parthenogenesis, a kind of reproduction in which a female's eggs are not fertilized, but nonetheless develop into young[7].
  • The "spines" around the banded houndshark's mouth, mentioned in both descriptions, are not spines at all, but are instead flaps of skin near the nose[8][9].
  • The banded houndshark is rather adaptable, and can tolerate water with varying salinity and temperature[8]. Its shallow, close-to-shore environment allows it easy access to estuaries (meeting places of rivers and seas), which are brackish (a mixture of salt and fresh water)[10][11].
  • The banded houndshark is popular in aquariums[3][4]. However, this doesn't appear to be detrimental to its numbers in the wild, as it is not considered to be at risk for becoming extinct[12].
  • The behavior of the banded houndshark in-game is relatively accurate, aside from the fact that they flee from divers in real life rather than staying still[3]. They are also nocturnal, which makes the games (where they can be seen at all times of day) inaccurate[5]. Accurately to the games, banded houndsharks are usually found alone, but an aspect that is not portrayed in-game is the banded houndshark's habit of piling up with others of its kind to rest in places such as caves[1].
  • As banded houndsharks age, their spots and stripes tend to become less distinct, sometimes even vanishing altogether in adults[13][14]. This means that the sharks seen in-game are most likely juveniles.


Red Sea BreamAsian Sheepshead WrasseGolden TrevallyGiant TrevallyLargehead Hairtail
PilotfishMahi-MahiAntarctic ToothfishLongtooth GrouperWhite GrouperHumphead Wrasse
Giant GrouperGreat BarracudaMeagreBartail FlatheadAtlantic TarponAtlantic Bluefin Tuna
Chinook SalmonStriped MarlinIndo-Pacific SailfishOlive FlounderCoelacanthRed Cornetfish
European Conger EelGreat White SharkScalloped HammerheadSand TigerGreenland Shark
Tiger SharkWhale SharkBasking SharkPelagic Thresher SharkGreat Sturgeon
Bowmouth GuitarfishDwarf SawfishRemoraWhitetip Reef SharkBanded HoundsharkEpaulette SharkZebra SharkTasselled WobbegongJapanese Bullhead Shark
Blotchy Swell SharkCloudy CatsharkJapanese AngelsharkJapanese Eagle RayManta Ray

